Curriculum Activities

Extra Curriculum Activities



Indian Village
International Preschool
and Kindergarten

1028 Budapest
II. ker. Brassó utca 5.
+36 (70) 204 7293

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday:
08:00am - 05:00pm


Extra Curriculum Activities


Yoga for Kids

Aikido for Kid

Upside-down world
Child Spiritdrawing course

Silva method for children




Yoga is an ancient science and philosophy that has been practiced for thousands of years.The popularity of Childrens’ Yoga is increasing.
Yoga, adapted for pre-school children, develops body awareness, language, good listening skills, cooperation and powers of observation.  It teaches pre-school children about nature, their environment and inspires their imaginations. It prepares them for breathing techniques used in yoga.  They learn by playing, singing, moving and imitating. This is an ideal time for children to begin a yoga practice.


Adults may practice Aikido for inner peace, relaxation, or self-defense. But these are concepts that most children don't even think about. So why is Aikido a good idea for kids? What can it contribute to their lives?

   1. Aikido is a non-aggressive martial art. What does this mean? Basically, that you can't really start a fight with Aikido - you can only finish one. Aikido doesn't encourage kids to have Power Rangers Syndrome, in which they go around punching and kicking their friends, siblings, dogs, and cats. Aikido technique starts when someone else "breaks the rules", i.e. attacks.
   2. Aikido teaches kids to be calm. Of course, kids shouldn't be calm all the time. But Aikido gives them the choice. If they need to sit still at school, or concentrate on homework, or focus during sports, Aikido shows them exactly how to do that. The techniques and 'k'i testing we do teach them correct calmness. This is entirely different from keeping their emotions bottled up. Aikido calmness feels good.
   3. Aikido teaches kids practical self-defense.
   4. Aikido gives kids a positive world view. It teaches that in order to create something worthwhile, you must work in harmony with your environment. It teaches that if you make trouble, you will lose. But if your mind is correct, calm, and positive, you can make something good out of whatever the universe hands you.
   5. Aikido teaches kids a lighter approach to life. A plodding, serious approach to life doesn't feel good. And it usually doesn't yield the best possible results. Our Aikido works best when you relax and feel light. By learning this in practice, our children can't help but apply this to their lives.
   6. Aikido helps kids at school. By training in Aikido, kids develop calm, clear minds. As a result, they absorb knowledge easier, and think with greater clarity. Aikido is about developing the full human potential, and school is one of the most important places for this potential to be realized.
   7. Aikido helps kids in sports.
   8. Anyone can be good at Aikido. Aikido does not require athletic talent. In fact, athletic prowess can sometimes get in the way. The key to making progress in Aikido is simply persevering and having a positive attitude. What better lesson can we teach our kids?
   9. Aikido works for even short people. Since Aikido does not rely on size, or speed, or weight, or reach, it is actually applicable by children on adults. In fact, it can be quite surprising how much power our children can muster when throwing adults!
  10. Aikido makes your kids tired. So hopefully, they'll go to bed a little earlier on Saturday nights.



The purpose of this program is to free up certain limits of children, so they can easily, creatively reach their goals, and than they can also set, and reach successfully new ones - just as for the joy of their own, as their parents, their teachers, and the whole society. In the same time, their drawing abilities unfold, and they become able to create anything they want on paper. They will have the ability to have and use their creativity in many aspects of their lives, and their communication skills will also develop.
With the help of this program, children find and develop their skills not only in the sphere of drawing or other arts, but they will understand and learn the appreciation of their own selves and others' as well. The purpose of the program is to enhance the quality of their relationships with their parents, with their teachers, with their mates, or even with strangers, and to attune the love of studying, playing and working, just as well as being able to fit in the world by having their emotions and thoughts work in harmony. The program's participant children become emotionally more balanced, more acclimated, just as well as more conscious, and confidant.
Their grades will improve, they will reach their goals in many different areas of their lives, and they turn to themselves and their surroundings, in their families and in the school too, with love and understanding.


As a parent you want the best for your child, so not delay! As a graduate parent you know first hand the value and worth of the Silva Method Seminar techniques! Every moment with the Silva Method Training is worth millions of dollars for the young developing human being! Hurry-up!

Our world today exposes children to innumerable risks, dangers and stressors. Growing up in an environment that is emphasizing "doing" than "being" can have deleterious effects on the developing brain. Why not give your child the resources to handle this experience better? By learning to orient their thinking at the alpha brain wave frequency using the Silva Method Genius Management techniques, your children can achieve anything they set their minds on! They can attract anything they desire, get the top grades, work smarter, and even have abundance of free time and money! They will learn early in life the principles from the School of Success to create a life of purpose by realizing their magnificence! You, a proud parent will have a growing Leonardo DaVincci in your own home, and excel even to a higher level! Can you imagine how much more effective you would have been if you had been given the Silva Method tools and techniques early in your life? Your child's confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, and disciplined physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development will rise as their grades will be rising as he/she begins to understand and use his/her full power and creativity. Your young Silva Method graduate will rise at the top attracting the best in his/her life, enjoy the best of health and happiness with the right wonderful soul-mate partner. Your child will be the one to create the life he/she wants rather than be a victim of the circumstances and reacting to them. Give the opportunity to your child to develop a life based on the foundation of proven values and a life based on effortless growth embracing their authentic self.
In this seminar your child will learn:

    * The development and importance of Mental Representations.
    * The benefits of developing and understanding positive self talk.
    * The use of creativity and imagination.
    * The development of leadership skills.
    * To develop focus and concentration for problem solving.
    * The secrets of achieving goals easily and effortlessly.
    * To be an A student and still have lots of free time for fun.
    * To relax and manage worries, anxieties and stress.
    * To say NO to peer pressure and still have friends.
    * To avoid any deceitful approaches for drug use and bad habits.
    * To improve memory and superior recall of information.
    * To use the Silva techniques for more success academic and personal.
    * To protect him/her self from all risks leading to failure, such as peer pressure, cigarette smoking, alcohol, drugs and anything that puts them in danger.

Invest in your child now.


Copyright © Indiánvár Nemzetközi Óvoda, Budapest II. kerület - International Preschool and Kindergarten - Weboldal készítés: Arteries Studio